科索沃关闭了塞族支持的10个塞族占多数地区的机构,使选举前紧张局势升级。 Kosovo shuts down Serbian-backed institutions in ten Serb-majority areas, escalating tensions before elections.
科索沃当局关闭了塞族人居住的10个市镇的塞族支助机构,包括地方行政部门、邮局和税务机构。 Kosovo authorities have shut down Serbian-supported institutions in ten municipalities where ethnic Serbs reside, including local administrations, post offices, and tax agencies. 这一举动被视为在即将举行的选举之前的升级,受到欧洲联盟的谴责。 欧洲联盟呼吁科索沃和塞尔维亚进行对话,以解决这一问题。 This move, seen as an escalation ahead of upcoming elections, has been condemned by the European Union, which calls for dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia to resolve the issue. 科索沃于2008年宣布独立,塞尔维亚不承认这一举动,导致持续紧张。 Kosovo declared independence in 2008, a move Serbia does not recognize, leading to ongoing tensions.