欧盟考虑延长其在亚美尼亚的民事任务,以稳定亚美尼亚-阿塞拜疆边界。 EU considers extending its civilian mission in Armenia to stabilize the Armenia-Azerbaijan border.
欧洲联盟正在考虑将其在亚美尼亚的文职监测特派团再延长两年,以帮助稳定亚美尼亚-阿塞拜疆边界和改善两国关系。 The European Union is considering extending its civilian monitoring mission in Armenia for two more years to help stabilize the Armenia-Azerbaijan border and improve relations between the two countries. 该特派团于2023年2月开始,旨在减少冲突,加强区域安全。 The mission, which started in February 2023, aims to reduce conflict and enhance security in the region. 欧盟成员国已批准该提案,预计将很快作出最后决定。 EU member states have approved the proposal, and a final decision is expected soon.