专家说,仔细设计和防火材料有助于洛杉矶的房屋在野火中幸存下来。 Careful design and fire-resistant materials help Los Angeles homes survive wildfires, experts say.
由于精心设计和防火材料,而不是运气,洛杉矶的一些房屋在火灾中幸存下来。 Some homes in Los Angeles have survived fires due to careful design and fire-resistant materials, rather than luck. 专家建议使用非易燃材料,如土库、金属和A类屋顶,以及双层窗和消防百叶窗。 Experts recommend using non-combustible materials like stucco, metal, and Class A roofing, as well as double-pane windows and fire shutters. 这些措施可以将家庭易受火灾伤害的程度降低10%。 These measures can reduce a home's vulnerability to fire by up to 10%. 然而,防火与水分控制之间的平衡至关重要。 However, the balance between fire resistance and moisture control is crucial.