英国首相基尔·斯塔默访问奥斯威辛集中营,解决在创纪录的仇恨事件中日益增长的反犹太主义问题。 UK PM Keir Starmer visits Auschwitz, addresses rising antisemitism amid record hate incidents.
联合王国首相凯尔·斯塔默和他的妻子维多利亚访问了波兰奥斯维辛集中营,对暴行表示恐怖,并誓言与英国日益抬头的反犹主义作斗争。 UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria visited Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, expressing horror at the atrocities and vowing to fight rising antisemitism in the UK. 这次访问在难民营解放80周年之前, 在英国自报反犹事件增加105%之际, The visit, ahead of the 80th anniversary of the camp's liberation, comes amid a 105% increase in self-reported antisemitic incidents in the UK. Starmer会见了波兰领导人,讨论一项新的条约和安全合作。 Starmer met with Polish leaders to discuss a new treaty and security cooperation.