联合王国Keir Starmer总理访问海湾各州, 在人权问题上推动贸易、讨论冲突。 UK PM Keir Starmer visits Gulf states to boost trade, discuss conflicts, amid human rights concerns.
联合王国首相凯尔·斯塔尔默正在访问阿联酋和沙特阿拉伯,以加强经济联系和吸引投资。 UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is visiting the UAE and Saudi Arabia to boost economic ties and attract investment. 此次旅行的目的是推动与海湾国家达成自由贸易协定,有可能使联合王国的贸易每年增加86亿英镑。 The trip aims to advance a free trade agreement with Gulf states, potentially boosting UK trade by £8.6 billion annually. Starmer也将讨论包括加沙危机在内的区域冲突。 Starmer will also discuss regional conflicts, including the Gaza crisis. 批评者敦促他处理人权问题,特别是沙特阿拉伯处决人数众多的问题。 Critics urge him to address human rights issues, particularly Saudi Arabia's high number of executions. 在海湾之后,Starmer将访问塞浦路斯,这是50多年来英国总理第一次访问塞浦路斯。 After the Gulf, Starmer will visit Cyprus, marking the first British PM visit in over 50 years.