查尔斯国王在波兰出席奥斯维辛解放纪念日、会见首相和发表演讲。 King Charles to attend Auschwitz liberation anniversary, meeting PM and giving speech in Poland.
查尔斯国王将出席在波兰举行的大屠杀纪念活动,纪念奥斯威辛解放80周年。 King Charles is set to attend Holocaust Memorial events in Poland, marking the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation. 他的日程安排包括与英国首相基尔·斯塔默的一次非公开会议和一次纪念性演讲。 His schedule includes a private meeting with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and a commemorative speech. 回家后 威廉王子将代表皇室 出席吉尔霍尔的仪式 Back home, Prince William will represent the royal family at a Guildhall ceremony. 查尔斯国王还出席了桑德林汉姆的一个教堂仪式,吸引人们注意他独特的猫和猫头鹰领带。 King Charles also attended a church service at Sandringham, drawing attention with his distinctive cat and owl tie.