特朗普的团队面对最后的努力 在他任期结束之前 将美国留在世卫组织 Trump's team faces last-ditch efforts to keep U.S. in WHO before his term ends.
在特朗普准备上任之际,正在作出最后努力,说服美国继续成为世界卫生组织(卫生组织)的成员。 As Trump prepares to take office, there is a final effort to persuade the U.S. to remain a member of the World Health Organization (WHO). 这一推动旨在阻止美国离开全球卫生机构,这可能对国际卫生合作产生重大影响。 The push aims to prevent the U.S. from leaving the global health body, which could have significant implications for international health cooperation.