泰晤士河谷警方报告称,闯入和盗窃案激增;敦促通过社交媒体直接举报。 Thames Valley Police report surge in break-ins and thefts; urge direct reporting over social media.
据泰晤士河谷警方报告,过去48至72小时,Arncott、Wendlebury和Chesterton的车辆闯入和财产盗窃事件增加。 Thames Valley Police report a rise in vehicle break-ins and property thefts in Arncott, Wendlebury, and Chesterton over the past 48 to 72 hours. 他们敦促居民直接向警方报告事件,而不是在社交媒体上张贴,强调直接报告对及时调查的重要性。 They urge residents to report incidents directly to the police instead of posting on social media, emphasizing the importance of direct reporting for timely investigations. 非紧急情况报告可以通过101号报告提交。 Non-emergency reports can be made via 101.