缅因州一名男子在爆炸后死亡,当时他用丙烷火炬解冻一个冷冻水箱。 A man died in Maine after an explosion while using a propane torch to thaw a frozen water tank.
一名66岁的男子Kerry Holmes在缅因州Molunkus爆炸后死亡,当时他正在使用丙烷火炬在一辆商用卡车上解冻冷冻水箱。 A 66-year-old man, Kerry Holmes, died in Molunkus, Maine, after an explosion while he was using a propane torch to thaw a frozen water tank on a commercial truck. 火炬的火焰熄灭,使丙烷气体在第二支火炬点燃前蓄积,引起爆炸。 The flame from the torch went out, allowing propane gas to accumulate before a second torch ignited it, causing the explosion. 缅因州公共安全部正在调查此案。 The Maine Department of Public Safety is investigating.