一个人在圣诞节前夕在Quincy迷你货车上被发现死亡;怀疑死于火灾和吸入烟雾。 Man found dead in Quincy minivan on Christmas Eve; suspected death from fire and smoke inhalation.
一名30多岁的男子在圣诞节前夕在马萨诸塞州Quincy的一辆小面包车中被发现死亡,他被怀疑在毯子中着火后因吸入烟雾而死亡。 A man in his 30s was found dead on Christmas Eve in a Quincy, Massachusetts, minivan, suspected of dying from smoke inhalation after blankets inside caught fire. 上午6时30分左右,一位朋友发现,这辆车有烟雾和火灾的痕迹。 Found by a friend around 6:30 a.m., the vehicle showed signs of smoke and fire damage. 在附近发现了烟蒂,但确切原因正由验尸长办公室调查。 Cigarette butts were found nearby, but the exact cause is under investigation by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. 这是今年马萨诸塞州第三起火灾导致的无家可归者死亡事件。 This is the third homeless fatality due to fire in Massachusetts this year.