一名魁北克男子在节假日在劳德代尔堡发生船只爆炸时死亡,六人受伤。 A Quebec man died and six were injured in a boat explosion in Fort Lauderdale during the holidays.
41岁的魁北克男子Sebastien Gauthier在佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡庆祝节假日时,在一次船只爆炸中丧生。 A 41-year-old Quebec man, Sebastien Gauthier, died in a boat explosion in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, while celebrating the holidays. 他的姐姐是其他6名受伤乘客中的一员。 His older sister was among the six other passengers injured. 佛罗里达渔业和野生生物保护委员会证实,爆炸是在一艘37英尺长船只的引擎起动后发生的,炸伤船上所有7个人。 The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission confirmed the explosion occurred after the engines of a 37-foot vessel were started, injuring all seven on board. 爆炸原因至今不明。 The cause of the explosion remains unknown. 一位孩提时期的朋友Thi Cam Nhung Lè对悲剧表示震惊。 A childhood friend, Thi Cam Nhung Lê, expressed shock over the tragedy.