汉密尔顿罗托图纳市一名 45 岁女子被控谋杀;已知受害人,没有寻找更多嫌疑人。 45-year-old woman charged with murder in Rototuna, Hamilton; known victim, no further suspects sought.
汉密尔顿罗托图纳市一名 45 岁女子在住宅地址发现一名情况危急的男子后被指控谋杀。 45-year-old woman charged with murder in Rototuna, Hamilton following the discovery of a man in critical condition at a residential address. 受害者和嫌疑人互相认识,警方表示不会再寻找更多嫌疑人。 The victim and suspect were known to each other, and police have stated that no further suspects are being sought. 调查仍在进行中,警方仍在现场。 The investigation is ongoing, and police remain at the scene. 该案正在法庭审理中,目前尚不清楚更多细节。 The case is before the court, and further details are not available.