悉尼梅隆巴一名 32 岁男子被发现头部和身体受伤死亡,一名 38 岁男子被指控谋杀。 38-year-old charged with murder in Melonba, Sydney, after 32-year-old man found dead with head and body injuries.
悉尼西部 Melonba 一名 32 岁男子被发现死在街头,头部和身体严重受伤,一名 38 岁男子被指控犯有谋杀罪。 38-year-old charged with murder in Melonba, Sydney's west, after 32-year-old man found dead on street with significant head and body injuries. 受害者在乔治娜新月被一名路人发现,尽管医护人员竭尽全力,但仍被宣布当场死亡。 The victim was discovered by a passer-by on Georgina Crescent and despite efforts of paramedics, was declared dead at the scene. 警方称,两名男子在事件发生前参与了一场预先安排的打斗。 Police allege the two men were involved in a pre-arranged fight prior to the incident. 嫌疑人被发现躲在附近的灌木丛中并被捕。 The suspect was found hiding in bushes nearby and arrested.