重庆看到「加热经济」激增, 居民因温泉、加热器而暖和。 Chongqing sees surge in "heating economy" as residents warm up with hot springs, heaters.
在中国重庆, 居民在严寒的冬季寻找温暖时, 出现了一种“热经济”。 In Chongqing, China, a "heating economy" has emerged as residents seek warmth during harsh winter months. 巴南区户外温泉的游客增加了95%,传统活动,如在炉灶周围煮茶等,越来越受欢迎,尤其是在社交媒体上。 Outdoor hot springs in Banan District have seen a 95% increase in visitors, and traditional activities like tea boiling around stoves are gaining popularity, especially on social media. 高科技变暖产品,如温度调控夹克和石墨加热器,也需求量很高。 High-tech warming products like temperature-controlled jackets and graphene heaters are also in high demand.