中国饮料公司正在将传统药草混合到饮料中,以吸引有健康意识的年轻人。 Chinese beverage firms are blending traditional medicine herbs into drinks to attract health-conscious youth.
中国饮料公司在其产品中添加传统中医药成分,以吸引寻求更健康饮品选择的年轻消费者。 Chinese beverage companies are adding traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) ingredients to their products to appeal to younger consumers looking for healthier drink options. Tianfu Cola和青岛老挝矿物水公司等品牌正在将三氯甲烷草药纳入colas、矿泉水和发光水,一些产品在国际市场上日益受欢迎。 Brands like Tianfu Cola and Qingdao Laoshan Mineral Water are incorporating TCM herbs into colas, mineral waters, and sparking waters, with some products gaining popularity in international markets. 这一趋势的驱动因素是,对更健康的饮料的需求不断增长,年轻消费者对TCM的兴趣日益浓厚。 The trend is driven by a growing demand for healthier drinks and a rising interest in TCM among younger consumers.