调查显示,18-24岁的年轻工人由于压力而休假的时间是老年工人的三倍。 Survey reveals young workers aged 18-24 took time off due to stress at triple the rate of older workers.
联合王国心理健康组织最近的一项调查发现,去年,每三名18-24岁的工人中就有一人因压力而请假,而45岁及以上工人中每十人就有一人请假。 A recent survey by Mental Health UK found that one in three workers aged 18-24 took time off due to stress last year, compared to one in ten workers aged 45 and above. 由于无酬加班和生活费用高,年轻工人受到的压力更大,而25-34岁的人面临工作量大和工作保障担忧。 Younger workers were more stressed due to unpaid overtime and high living costs, while those aged 25-34 faced high workloads and job security fears. 该慈善机构的首席执行官敦促雇主更新其心理健康支持,并与年轻雇员合作开展福利举措。 The charity's CEO urged employers to update their mental health support and work with young employees on well-being initiatives.