82% 的英国工匠因工作压力(包括生活成本危机)而面临心理健康问题;建筑公司呼吁优先考虑心理健康问题。 82% of UK tradespeople face mental health issues due to work-related stress, including cost-of-living crisis; construction firms call for mental health prioritization.
82% 的英国工匠因工作相关问题而出现心理健康问题,超过三分之一的人将生活成本危机视为他们的主要压力源。 82% of UK tradespeople experience mental health problems due to work-related issues, with more than a third citing the cost-of-living crisis as their primary stressor. Layton Construction、Speedy Hire 和其他公司呼吁建筑行业在重视人身安全的同时,也要重视心理健康,打破偏见,开展关于焦虑、药物滥用和抑郁等问题的公开讨论。 Layton Construction, Speedy Hire, and others urge the construction industry to prioritize mental health alongside physical safety, breaking stigmas and fostering open discussions about struggles such as anxiety, substance abuse, and depression.