斯普林菲尔德消防员不小心被枪射中,射入燃烧房屋;被处理并释放。 Springfield firefighter accidentally shot by gun that discharged in a burning house; treated and released.
俄亥俄州Springfield消防员在一场房屋火灾中意外被射杀,当时因火焰而释放了一把枪。 A Springfield, Ohio firefighter was accidentally shot during a house fire when a gun discharged due to the flames. 处理烧伤的John Pirk上尉在接到另一名消防员的通知之前,不知道自己被击中。 Captain John Pirk, treating burns, was unaware he had been hit until informed by another firefighter. 子弹击中他的垫子和肘部,他很快从医院获释。 The bullet hit his padding and elbow, and he was quickly released from the hospital. 在行动期间,消防员还解救了一名老年妇女和一名宠物。 Firefighters also rescued an elderly woman and a pet during the operation.