在俄亥俄州枪击中受伤1人,枪手也住院;嫌疑人身份不明,对社区没有威胁。 1-person injured in Ohio shooting, shooter also hospitalized; suspect status unclear, no threat to community.
星期六早上,俄亥俄州斯普林菲尔德发生枪击事件,造成一人受伤。 On Saturday morning, a shooting in Springfield, Ohio, left one person injured. 警察对911电话作出反应,将受害者和枪手都送往医院。 Police responded to a 911 call and transported both the victim and the shooter to the hospital. 受伤者的状况不明,嫌疑人是否被拘留也不得而知。 The condition of the injured individual is unclear, and it is unknown if a suspect is in custody. 当局表示,社区没有受到直接威胁。 Authorities stated there is no immediate threat to the community. 鼓励有资料的居民与Springfield警察联系。 Residents with information are encouraged to contact the Springfield Police. 这一事件与该市持续的动乱无关。 The incident is unrelated to ongoing unrest in the city.