中国计划重启到台湾的团体游览, 目的是在政治紧张中推动交流。 China plans to restart group tours to Taiwan, aiming to boost exchanges amid political tensions.
中国计划恢复上海和福建省居民到台湾的团体游览,目的是改善两个地区之间的互动和交流。 China plans to resume group tours to Taiwan for residents of Shanghai and Fujian Province, aiming to improve interactions and exchanges between the two regions. 此举的目标是恢复正常的人与人之间的交流,支持旅游业,尽管政治关系持续紧张,相互指责旅行推迟恢复。 This move targets restoring normal people-to-people exchanges and supporting the tourism industry, despite ongoing political tensions and mutual accusations over delays in resuming travel. 台湾欢迎这一举动,但尚未正式回应。 Taiwan has welcomed the move but has not yet responded officially.