Burlesque演艺人Katie Lee死于一起涉嫌纵火袭击事件,被视为身份错误的案件。 Burlesque performer Katie Lee died in a suspected arson attack, seen as a case of mistaken identity.
27岁的芭蕾舞演员凯蒂·李(Vivien May-Royale)在墨尔本为她哥哥做客时,在一次纵火袭击中死亡。 27-year-old burlesque performer Katie Lee, known as Vivien May-Royale, died in an arson attack while house-sitting for her brother in Melbourne. 警方怀疑误认是动机 将她的死亡视为杀人 Police suspect mistaken identity as the motive, treating her death as a homicide. 发现两人在房子着火前将加速剂倒进屋里。 Two individuals were seen pouring accelerant into the house before it caught fire. Lee与袭击者没有任何已知的联系,布卢斯克社区哀悼她的损失。 Lee had no known connections to the attackers, and the burlesque community mourns her loss.