Adalyn Phoenix 18岁,在佛蒙特州发生的一起房屋火灾中被烧死;她的器官被捐赠。 Adalyn Phoenix, 18, died from burns after a house fire in Vermont; her organs were donated.
一名来自佛蒙特州的18岁的Adalyn Phoenix于1月17日在Marshfield的美国2号公路遭房屋纵火严重焚烧后死亡。 Adalyn Phoenix, an 18-year-old from Vermont, died on January 17 after being severely burned in a house fire on U.S. Route 2 in Marshfield. 菲尼克斯在佛蒙特大学医疗中心被消防员救出,但因伤势过重死亡。 Phoenix was rescued by firefighters but succumbed to her injuries at the University of Vermont Medical Center. 她的家人通过捐献她的器官满足她的愿望。 Her family honored her wishes by donating her organs. 火灾原因仍在调查之中,但不被视为可疑。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation but is not considered suspicious.