44 岁的凯伦·瓦普勒 (Karen Vamplew) 因谋杀其残疾婆婆伊丽莎白·瓦普勒 (Elizabeth Vamplew) 而被判有罪,她为了获取遗产钱财,纵火焚烧了婆婆的床。 44-year-old Karen Vamplew was found guilty of murdering her disabled mother-in-law, Elizabeth Vamplew, by setting her bed on fire for inheritance money.
44 岁的凯伦·瓦普勒 (Karen Vamplew) 被判谋杀其残疾婆婆、77 岁的伊丽莎白·瓦普勒 (Elizabeth Vamplew) 的罪名成立,她在诺丁汉郡纽瓦克纵火焚烧了婆婆的床,以获取遗产钱财。 44-year-old Karen Vamplew has been found guilty of murdering her disabled mother-in-law, Elizabeth Vamplew, 77, in Newark, Nottinghamshire, by setting her bed on fire in a bid to get inheritance money. 受害者名叫安妮 (Anne),2021 年 12 月 15 日,她家的平房发生火灾,她因烧伤和吸入烟雾而死亡。 The victim, who was known as Anne, died from burns and smoke inhalation after a fire at her bungalow on 15 December 2021. 瓦普勒负债累累,经莱斯特刑事法庭审判后被判有罪。 Vamplew had considerable debts and was found guilty following a trial at Leicester Crown Court.