最高法院对德克萨斯州要求对 Pornhub 进行年龄检查的法律进行了辩论,质疑它与《花花公子》的相似性。 Supreme Court debates Texas law requiring age checks for Pornhub, questioning its similarity to Playboy.
在言论自由联盟诉帕克斯顿案(Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton)的口头辩论中,大法官塞缪尔·阿利托(Samuel Alito)质疑Pornhub内容的性质,并将其与《花花公子》杂志进行了比较,后者引发了关于该网站非色情文章的讨论。 During oral arguments in Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton, Justice Samuel Alito questioned the nature of Pornhub's content, comparing it to Playboy magazine, which sparked a discussion about the site's non-pornographic articles. 该案挑战了德克萨斯州的一项法律要求访问色情网站时必须进行年龄验证,言论自由联盟(Free Speech Coalition)认为该法律违反了第一修正案。 The case challenges a Texas law requiring age verification to access pornographic websites, with the Free Speech Coalition arguing that the law violates the First Amendment. 最高法院正在考虑适用的法律标准,这可能对言论自由权产生更广泛的影响。 The Supreme Court is considering the legal standard to apply, which could have broader implications for free speech rights.