联邦法官封锁田纳西州对色情网站的年龄校验法, Federal judge blocks Tennessee's age-verification law for porn sites, citing free speech concerns.
一名联邦法官大都封锁田纳西州法律, 要求色情网站在1月1日生效前核实访客年龄, A federal judge largely blocked Tennessee's law requiring pornographic websites to verify visitors' ages before it took effect on January 1, ruling it likely violates free speech rights without effectively protecting minors. 佛罗里达州和南卡罗来纳州也实施类似的法律,最高法院将在德克萨斯州法律中讨论这一问题。 Similar laws are in effect in Florida and South Carolina, while the issue will be argued in the Supreme Court regarding Texas' law. 自由言论联盟正在对田纳西州的法律及其他法律提出诉讼,声称这些法律无效,违宪。 The Free Speech Coalition is suing over Tennessee's law and others, claiming they are ineffective and unconstitutional.