美国法院 OK'd田纳西州的法律 要求年龄检查成人内容, 在言论自由的关切。 A U.S. court OK'd Tennessee's law requiring age checks for adult content, amid free speech concerns.
美国 A U.S. 巡回法院允许田纳西州法律要求在线访问成人内容的年龄验证生效, 尽管自由言论联盟等团体提出挑战, 认为这违反了第一修正案的权利。 Circuit Court has allowed Tennessee's law requiring age verification for accessing adult content online to take effect, despite challenges from groups like the Free Speech Coalition, which argue it violates First Amendment rights. 该法被称为《保护田纳西州未成年人法》,其目的是防止未成年人获取此类内容。 The law, known as the Protect Tennessee Minors Act, aims to prevent minors from accessing such content. 最高法院不久将审理一个类似的德克萨斯州案件。 The Supreme Court will hear a similar Texas case soon.