最高法院辩论得克萨斯州法律要求对色情网站进行年龄检查,对言论自由与儿童保护进行权衡。 Supreme Court debates Texas law requiring age checks for porn sites, weighing free speech vs. child protection.
Samuel Alito法官将Pornhub与花花公子杂志进行了比较, 询问内容的性质。 During Supreme Court arguments on a Texas law requiring age verification for accessing pornographic websites, Justice Samuel Alito compared Pornhub to Playboy magazine, asking about the nature of the content. 自由言论联盟诉Paxton案审查该法是否应受到第一修正案规定的严格审查。 The case, Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton, examines whether the law should face strict scrutiny under the First Amendment. 法院正在考虑如何在儿童保护与言论自由之间取得平衡,预计将在7月作出决定。 The court is considering how to balance child protection with free speech, with a decision expected by July.