超过80%的印度顶级公司支持一项在五年内提供1 000万青年实习的计划。 Over 80% of India's top companies back a scheme offering 10 million youth internships over five years.
印度最大的500家公司中有80%以上支持总理的2024年实习计划,该计划的目的是在五年内向1 000万青年提供实习机会。 Over 80% of India's top 500 companies support the Prime Minister's Internship Scheme 2024, which aims to offer internships to 10 million youth over five years. 各公司正在优先发挥技术作用,并计划吸收最多10%的实习生作为全职雇员。 Companies are prioritizing tech roles and plan to absorb up to 10% of interns as full-time employees. 近34.43%的公司将把其公司社会责任预算的20%用于实习,大多数公司预期在两年内获得社会投资回报。 Nearly 34.43% of firms will use up to 20% of their CSR budgets for internships, with most expecting a social return on investment within two years.