印度部长通过实习和工作资源促进青年参与全球劳动力队伍。 Indian minister promotes youth engagement in global workforce through internships and job resources.
印度劳工和就业联盟部长Mansukh Mandaviya博士在新德里的一次网络研讨会上强调了印度青年在全球劳动力队伍中的价值。 India's Union Minister for Labour and Employment, Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, highlighted the value of Indian youth in the global workforce during a webinar in New Delhi. 他鼓励年轻专业人员到国外寻求实习和志愿机会,以获得技能和经验,并推广国家职业服务门户网站,作为寻找工作的资源。 He encouraged young professionals to seek internships and volunteer opportunities abroad to gain skills and experience, and promoted the National Career Service Portal as a resource for finding jobs. 联合国和劳工组织专家讨论了国际角色所需的技能,并解释了联合国系统内实习和咨询等机会的申请程序。 UN and ILO experts discussed the skills needed for international roles and explained the application process for opportunities like internships and consultancies within the UN system.