62%的印度电信、ISP及相关行业雇主计划在25财政年度前半期,由AI、机器人和云计算驱动,将劳动力增加5.62%。 62% of Indian telecom, ISP, and allied industry employers plan to increase workforce by 5.62% in first half of FY25, driven by AI, robotics, and cloud computing.
62%的印度电信公司、ISP和联营行业雇主计划在25财政年度前半期增加劳动力,显示出积极的雇用情绪。 62% of Indian telecom, ISP, and allied industry employers plan to increase workforce in first half of FY25, showing a positive hiring sentiment. 据TeamLess Services公司的一份报告称,预计这些部门将出现5.62%的就业净增长。 According to a TeamLease Services report, the sectors are expected to see a 5.62% net employment growth. 由于人工智能、机器人和云计算的进步,对年轻人才在以客户为主和技术角色方面的需求正在上升。 Demand for young talent in customer-facing and technology roles is rising, driven by advancements in AI, robotics, and cloud computing. 德里,班加罗尔和奈等城市的劳动力扩张计划增长最为显著. Cities like Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai are seeing the most significant increase in workforce expansion plans.