一人和四只狗在阿肯色州Mayflower发生的一场房屋火灾中死亡,当时没有烟雾警报器。 One person and four dogs died in a house fire in Mayflower, Arkansas, with no smoke alarms present.
星期三上午在阿肯色州Mayflower发生的一场房屋火灾造成1人和4条狗死亡。 A house fire in Mayflower, Arkansas, on Wednesday morning resulted in the death of one person and four dogs. 据报告,大约在上午6时04分左右,消防人员因结构崩溃和猛烈火力而面临挑战,阻碍了内部搜索。 Reported at around 6:04 a.m., firefighters faced challenges due to a structural collapse and heavy fire, hindering an interior search. 五月花消防局和阿肯色州警方正在调查火灾的起源和起因。 The Mayflower Fire Department and Arkansas State Police are investigating the fire's origin and cause. 消防长强调了发挥功能的烟雾警报器的重要性,指出家里没有发现任何烟雾警报器。 The Fire Marshal highlighted the importance of functioning smoke alarms, noting none were found in the home.