Georgia的“侵权改革法案”在试图限制诉讼及降低法律成本时面临反对。 Georgia's "Tort Reform Act" faces opposition as it seeks to limit lawsuits and lower legal costs.
格鲁吉亚提议的“侵权改革法”旨在限制诉讼和降低法律费用,并得到商业团体的支持,这些团体说该法将创造更好的商业环境。 Georgia's proposed "Tort Reform Act" aims to restrict lawsuits and lower legal costs, supported by business groups who say it will create a better business environment. 审判律师和消费者辩护人反对这种做法,认为这种做法损害了公民寻求正义的权利。 Trial lawyers and consumer advocates oppose it, arguing it undermines citizens' rights to seek justice. 辩论凸显了促进商业增长与确保要求伤害或伤害的人能够诉诸法院之间的冲突。 The debate highlights the conflict between fostering business growth and ensuring access to the courts for those claiming injury or harm.