伊利诺伊州州际枪击事件在2024年下降了31%,致命撞车下降了7%。 Illinois sees a 31% drop in interstate shootings in 2024, with fatal crashes down 7%.
伊利诺斯州警察局报告说,2024年州际枪击事件下降了31%,标志着连续三年下降。 Illinois State Police report a 31% drop in interstate shootings in 2024, marking three straight years of decline. 这一改进归功于使用自动驾驶牌照阅读器和其他资源,这有助于追踪车辆和逮捕嫌犯,而不进行危险的追查。 This improvement is credited to the use of automated license plate readers and other resources, which help track vehicles and apprehend suspects without dangerous pursuits. 致命撞车事故也减少了7%,非法收缴的火器增加了3%,车辆回收增加了24%。 Fatal crashes also decreased by 7%, while illegal firearms seizures rose by 3% and vehicle recoveries increased by 24%.