2022年,印地安那州韦恩堡发生了5起与警察有关的死亡事件,种族差异持续存在,自乔治·弗洛伊德死后政策没有改变。 2022 saw five police-related deaths in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with racial disparities persisting and no policy changes since George Floyd's death.
印地安那州韦恩堡的致命警察枪击事件与全国趋势相呼应,在过去十年中,执法部门造成13 000多人死亡。 Fatal police shootings in Fort Wayne, Indiana, echo a national trend, with over 13,000 fatalities by law enforcement in the past decade. 2022年,发生了5起与警察有关的死亡事件,其原因是不遵守规定和存在武器。 In 2022, five police-related deaths occurred, attributed to non-compliance and weapon presence. 自2013年以来,印地安那警方的杀人事件增加了50%。 Indiana's police killings have risen 50% since 2013. 种族差异持续存在,黑人个人受到的影响格外严重。 Racial disparities persist, as Black individuals are disproportionately affected. 尽管自George Floyd死后暴力有所增加,但没有改变政策来解决这些问题。 Despite increased violence since George Floyd's death, no policy changes have been made to address these issues.