2023年联邦调查局报告:美国暴力犯罪下降3%,包括谋杀/杀人罪下降12%,强奸罪下降9%。 2023 FBI report: 3% decline in US violent crime, including 12% drop in murder/manslaughter and 9% decrease in rape.
联邦调查局的2023年报告显示,美国的暴力犯罪下降3%,自流行病高峰以来继续呈下降趋势。 The FBI's 2023 report shows a 3% decline in violent crime in the U.S., continuing a downward trend since the pandemic peak. 关键削减包括谋杀和过失杀人案件减少12%,强奸案件减少9%,抢劫和严重攻击案件减少较少。 Key reductions include a 12% drop in murder and manslaughter, a 9% decrease in rape, and smaller declines in robbery and aggravated assault. 然而,机动车辆盗窃案增加了13%。 However, motor vehicle theft rose by 13%. 报告表示更广泛地参与数据收集工作,反映了公共安全和犯罪报告方面不断改善的情况。 The report indicates broader participation in data collection, reflecting ongoing improvements in public safety and crime reporting.