前纽约市市长Bill de Blasio因利用城市资金用于竞选安全而被罚款475 000美元。 Former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio fined $475,000 for using city funds for campaign security.
前纽约市市长Bill de Blasio在总统竞选失败期间因使用公共资金为其警察安全人员支付罚款475 000美元。 Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been ordered to pay a $475,000 fine for using public funds for his police security detail during his failed presidential campaign. 一名法官拒绝了他关于该市道德委员会给予不明确指导的说法,他说,他被告知该市不会支付安全旅费。 A judge rejected his claim that the city's ethics board gave unclear guidance, stating he was told the city wouldn't cover security travel costs. 罚款是纽约利益冲突委员会有史以来最大的一次罚款,包括32万美元旅费和对31次国外旅行罚款155 000美元。 The fine, the largest ever by New York's Conflicts of Interest Board, includes $320,000 in travel costs and a $155,000 penalty for 31 out-of-state trips.