鲁迪·朱利亚尼在1亿4千8百万美元的判决后,未能向选举工作人员交出公寓。 Rudy Giuliani failed to surrender his apartment to election workers after a $148 million judgment.
前纽约市市长Rudy Giuliani没有遵守联邦法官的命令,交出他在曼哈顿的公寓和他诽谤的两名选举工作人员的财产。 Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City Mayor, has not complied with a federal judge's order to surrender his Manhattan apartment and belongings to two election workers he defamed. 工人Ruby Freeman和Wandrea“Shaye”Moss赢得了1亿4千8百万元的判决。 The workers, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss, won a $148 million judgment against him. 在朱利亚尼错过转移最后期限后,一家流动公司及其律师将进入他的公寓。 A moving company and their lawyers are set to access his apartment after Giuliani missed the deadline for the transfer. 双方必须在星期一之前提交一份情况报告,会议定于11月7日举行。 Both parties must submit a status report by Monday, with a conference scheduled for November 7.