纽约州总检察长要求唐纳德·特朗普终身禁止从事房地产活动,并处以 3.7 亿美元的罚款。 The Attorney General of New York is requesting a lifelong ban from real estate and a fine of $370 million from Donald Trump.
纽约总检察长办公室已要求唐纳德·特朗普处以 3.7 亿美元的罚款,并终身禁止商业房地产行业。 The New York Attorney General's office has asked for a $370 million fine from Donald Trump and a lifetime ban on the commercial real-estate industry. 在此之前的一次审判中,总检察长安德鲁·詹姆斯指控特朗普在其资产和收入问题上向联邦调查局撒谎。 This follows a trial in which attorney general Andrew James accused Trump of lying to the FBI about his assets and income. 调查于十月份开始,并将持续到一月份。 The investigation began in October and will continue through January. 这位前总统发誓要为詹姆斯辩护,并希望能被定罪。 The former president has vowed to fight James's case and hopes for a conviction.