欧盟发起了经济转型期水倡议,这是一项500万欧元的倡议,旨在解决影响欧洲三分之一以上地区的水资源短缺问题。 The EU launches EIT Water, a €5 million initiative to address water scarcity affecting over a third of Europe.
欧洲联盟发起了经济转型期水倡议,这是一项新倡议,旨在解决影响欧洲三分之一以上人口的缺水问题。 The European Union has launched EIT Water, a new initiative aimed at tackling water scarcity affecting over a third of Europe's population. 在欧盟的欧洲地平线框架的支持下,经济转型期水将在教育、研究和创新方面促进可持续的水管理,资金最初在2026年达到500万欧元。 Funded up to €5 million initially in 2026, EIT Water will promote sustainable water management through education, research, and innovation, supported by the EU's Horizon Europe framework. 该倡议的申请将于2025年6月17日到期,3月7日在布鲁塞尔安排一个信息日。 该倡议的申请将通过第三方捐款在财政上可持续。 Applications for the initiative, which will become financially sustainable through third-party contributions, are due June 17, 2025, with an informational day set for March 7 in Brussels.