欧洲三分之一的地表水健康;欧洲环境署敦促到2030年将农药使用减半,并采取可持续做法。 1/3 of Europe's surface water has good health; EEA urges halving pesticide use by 2030 and adopting sustainable practices.
欧洲环境署(EEA)报告说,从2015年至2021年,只有三分之一的欧洲地表水健康状况良好,只有37%的欧洲地表水生态状况良好,29%的欧洲地表水化学状况良好。 The European Environment Agency (EEA) reports that only one-third of Europe's surface water is in good health, with just 37% achieving good ecological status and 29% good chemical status from 2015 to 2021. 减少的原因是污染、生境退化、气候变化和过度用水,特别是农业用水。 The decline is driven by pollution, habitat degradation, climate change, and excessive water use, particularly from agriculture. 欧洲经济区敦促成员国在2030年之前将农药使用减半,并采取可持续做法改善水安全和生态系统健康。 The EEA urges member states to halve pesticide use by 2030 and adopt sustainable practices to improve water security and ecosystem health.