欧盟拨出46亿欧元用于去碳化和清洁氢,以促进气候目标和技术产业。 The EU allocates €4.6 billion for decarbonization and clean hydrogen to boost climate goals and tech industries.
欧盟委员会已宣布在欧盟排放贸易系统的资助下,对脱碳技术和清洁氢项目投资46亿欧元。 The European Commission has announced a €4.6 billion investment in decarbonization technologies and clean hydrogen projects, funded by the EU Emissions Trading System. 这包括32亿欧元用于净零技术,其中10亿欧元用于电动汽车电池制造,12亿欧元用于可再生氢生产。 This includes €3.2 billion for net-zero technologies, with €1 billion for electric vehicle battery cell manufacturing and €1.2 billion for renewable hydrogen production. 该基金旨在支持欧洲到2050年向气候中和过渡,提高其清洁技术工业的竞争力。 The funds aim to support Europe's transition to climate neutrality by 2050, enhancing the competitiveness of its clean tech industries.