建筑工人的自杀率急剧上升,刺激了整个行业改善心理健康支助的努力。 Construction workers' suicide rates soar, spurring industry-wide efforts to improve mental health support.
建筑工人面临严重的心理健康危机,自杀率比工伤死亡人数高出五倍。 Construction workers face a severe mental health crisis, with suicide rates five times higher than work-related injury deaths. 随着工业界、工会、研究机构和联邦机构努力寻找解决办法,这一问题正日益受到关注。 This issue is gaining attention, with the industry, unions, research institutions, and federal agencies working on solutions. 然而,缺乏带薪病假等挑战阻碍着进展。 However, challenges like the lack of paid sick leave hinder progress. 该行业旨在使心理健康对话正常化,并向工人提供更多支持,解决危险环境和工作无保障造成的高度压力。 The industry aims to normalize mental health conversations and provide more support to workers, addressing the high stress from hazardous environments and job insecurity.