2023年,新西兰建筑业有80起自杀嫌疑案件,是2007年以来最高的。 80 suspected suicides in New Zealand's construction sector in 2023, the highest since 2007.
2023年,新西兰建筑部门记录了80起自杀嫌疑案件,是2007年以来最高的。 In 2023, New Zealand's construction sector recorded 80 suspected suicides, the highest since 2007. 与2019年的38人相比,这一惊人的上升突显了当前心理健康挑战,包括财政压力和艰苦的工作场所文化。 This alarming increase from 38 in 2019 highlights ongoing mental health challenges, including financial stress and a tough workplace culture. " 建筑中的MATES " 是一项预防自杀的举措,它报告说,工人的心理健康意识得到了提高。 MATES in Construction, a suicide prevention initiative, reports improved mental health awareness among workers. 目前正在努力通过培训和资源营造一个有利的环境,解决这些问题对工人和社区的严重影响。 Efforts are underway to foster a supportive environment through training and resources, addressing the severe impact of these issues on workers and communities.