澳大利亚的失业率在12月达到4%, 使储备银行的利率决定复杂化。 Australia's unemployment rate hit 4% in December, complicating the Reserve Bank's interest rate decision.
澳大利亚的失业率在12月上升至4%,尽管增加了56 000个工作岗位,超过了预期。 Australia's unemployment rate rose to 4% in December, despite adding 56,000 jobs, more than expected. 这一强劲的就业市场可能会拖延澳大利亚储备银行在2月降低利率。 This robust jobs market may delay the Reserve Bank of Australia from cutting interest rates in February. 虽然参与率创历史新高,达到67.1%,但全职工作减少,兼职工作激增。 While the participation rate hit a record high of 67.1%, full-time jobs decreased while part-time jobs surged. 经济学家四分五裂,有些经济学家预测,由于通货膨胀放缓,最终将削减利率,而另一些经济学家则认为,强劲的劳动力市场表明,不需要立即削减利率。 Economists are divided, with some predicting an eventual rate cut due to inflation slowing, while others believe the strong labor market indicates no immediate need for a reduction.