澳大利亚的失业率意外下降到3.9%,11月增加了35 600个就业机会。 Australia's unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to 3.9%, adding 35,600 jobs in November.
澳大利亚的失业率在11月出人意料地跌至3.9%, Australia's unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to 3.9% in November, a drop from 4.1% the previous month. 该国增加了35 600个工作岗位,全职就业增加了52 600个,兼职工作减少了17 000个。 The country added 35,600 jobs, with full-time employment increasing by 52,600 and part-time jobs decreasing by 17,000. 就业不足率也降低到6.1%。 The underemployment rate also decreased to 6.1%. 经济学家认为,这种强劲的就业增长可能会减轻澳大利亚储备银行削减利率的压力。 Economists suggest this robust employment growth may ease pressure on the Reserve Bank of Australia to cut interest rates.