在丹麦发现50具有良好保存的维京时代骨架和稀有文物;日期为850-970 AD。 50 well-preserved Viking-era skeletons and rare artifacts found in Denmark; dating 850-970 AD.
丹麦考古学家在Odense附近发现了50具保存良好的维京时代骨骼,这些骨骼属于一个小农业社区。 Archaeologists in Denmark have uncovered 50 well-preserved Viking-era skeletons near Odense, attributed to a small farming community. 由于水位和土壤条件,这些遗骸非常完整,与公元 850 年至 970 年间的刀具和胸针等稀有文物一起被发现。 The remains, remarkably intact due to water levels and soil conditions, were found with rare artifacts like knives and brooches dating from 850 to 970 AD. 正在进行的分析,包括土壤样本,旨在更多地揭示维京时代北欧人民的埋葬做法和日常生活。 Ongoing analysis, including soil samples, aims to reveal more about the burial practices and daily lives of the Nordic people during the Viking Age.