Virginia House通过宪法修正案,通过决议保护堕胎、投票和婚姻平等权利。 Virginia House passes resolutions to protect abortion, voting, and marriage equality rights via constitutional amendments.
弗吉尼亚众议院已通过决议保护堕胎、投票和婚姻平等权利, 旨在明年修改州宪法。 The Virginia House of Delegates has passed resolutions to protect abortion, voting, and marriage equality rights, aiming to amend the state's constitution next year. 这些拟议的宪法修正案必须在两年之内通过两次,并在成为法律之前获得公众批准。 These proposed constitutional amendments must pass twice within two years and receive public approval before becoming law. 多数为51-49人的民主党支持这些措施, 而共和党人则批评堕胎修正案是极端的。 Democrats, with a 51-49 majority, support the measures, while Republicans criticize the abortion amendment as extreme. 如果成功,弗吉尼亚州将与其他国家一道将生殖权利列入投票。 If successful, Virginia would join other states in putting reproductive rights on the ballot.