罗伊诉韦德案推翻后,一些州的堕胎权利支持者利用公民倡议来保护堕胎权利。 Abortion rights supporters use citizen initiatives to protect access in some states post-Roe v. Wade overturn.
自美国最高法院推翻宪法赋予的堕胎权以来的两年里,多个州的堕胎权支持者已经利用公民倡议程序来保护堕胎权。 Abortion-rights supporters in several states have used the citizen initiative process to protect access in the two years since the US Supreme Court overturned a constitutional right to the procedure. 然而,包括许多共和党控制的南部州在内的半数州的选民没有这种选择,因为这些州不允许在州级投票中提出公民倡议或宪法修正案。 However, voters in half the states, including many Republican-controlled states in the South, do not have this option, as these states do not allow citizen initiatives or constitutional amendments on a statewide ballot.