明尼苏达州众议院将讨论广泛的平等权利修正案。 Minnesota House to debate expansive equal rights amendment.
明尼苏达州众议院将讨论一项拟议的宪法修正案,该修正案将为种族、性别、性别认同以及有关怀孕或是否继续怀孕的决定提供国家保护。 Minnesota House is set to debate a proposed constitutional amendment that would provide state protections for race, sex, gender identity, and decisions about pregnancy or remaining pregnant. 如果获得批准,明尼苏达州将拥有美国最广泛的平等权利修正案(ERA)。 If approved, Minnesota would have the most expansive equal rights amendment (ERA) in the US. 然而,该法案遭到保守派团体的反对,包括反堕胎组织“明尼苏达州关心生命公民”,该组织发起了一项耗资七位数的广告活动来反对该法案。 The bill, however, faces opposition from conservative groups, including the anti-abortion group Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, which launched a seven-figure ad campaign against the bill. 两院必须批准相同的措辞,修正案才能在 2026 年付诸公投。 Both chambers must approve the same wording for the amendment to be put to a public vote in 2026.