美国12月的通货膨胀率仍然居高不下,有可能阻止美联储削减利率。 US inflation remained high in December, potentially stopping the Fed from cutting interest rates.
12月,美国通货膨胀率可能居高不下,使美联储的降低利率计划复杂化。 US inflation likely stayed high in December, complicating the Federal Reserve's plans for interest rate cuts. 持续的通货膨胀可能阻止美联储降低刺激经济的利率,正如它们所希望的那样。 Persistent inflation could prevent the Fed from lowering rates to stimulate the economy, as they had hoped. 这可能会导致美国人继续面临经济挑战。 This could lead to continued economic challenges for Americans.